!!!!!!Read before Posting rules & Guidelines!!!!!

Moderators: BOBLOOK, AE25, pufito18

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Site Admin
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Joined: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:06 pm

!!!!!!Read before Posting rules & Guidelines!!!!!

Post by Admin » Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:50 pm

The 3TC garage forum exists primarily to serve or Toyota enthusiasm community therefore the classified adds was created to provide an channel for buyer and sellers. As for the contribution in the classified section transactions, sale, purchase is free for use and at you-re own risk.

Everyone, seller or buyer is responsible for their own adds and transactions. And because all those transactions sales channel happen outer the board administrator/moderator supervision we can NOT take the responsibility for made transactions.

Therefore we board administrator/moderators can NOT be an mediator to dispute or resolving any transactions issues. Important to take precaution when buying try to collect as much information from seller as possible phone,address,ext do payment transactions only true certified methodes. Paypal or others form securing your sale or purchase . Good and bad seller/buyer feedback

Board management suggest you to follow these guidelines whenever possible if there's any shady post report & notified them at the board classified moderator.

1.Be honest

By time to time although everyone seems to be honest.
They use to show up those 'time wasters' and those with some weird reason intensionally trying to go away with your hard earned money.

2.No spam

We simple don't like spam behaviors report them quick classified moderator.

3.Use clear advertisement topic description

Use an clear advertisement topic description include as many items details as possible.price,picture,location,email,phone,


4. Price

List an price wherever is possible if you list "made an offer" don't feel offended when they lowballer you on offers.


5.Location is mandatory

Specify your LOCATION or edit you forum profile.

6. Parting out

Parting out try to post at least minimal 4x random picture view of the car you parting and please response and replay gentle when they request for parts.


Include asmuch photos in the post if possible , photobucket,tiny, board upload file attachment option, phone photo text,whatsapp ext. all those mention options can be used.

How to post picture tutorial Photobucket

8.Post replay

If you don't have anything positive to said don't replay :evil:

9.Post bumps

To avoid the unnecessary post bumps excess unfair and annoying to other advertisers  (mean reply to your own post).   You can reply to your thread post every (3 days) are permitted . No bumps are allowed withing the (3 days) of posting after the last one. Any other reply purpose  to top up the thread to the top is forbidden. Posts will be deleted and you will be notified and by ignoring further action will follow. :evil:

10.Multiple posts

Group together you’re parts you are selling there is no need for multiple post for one single items,If you want to add an item you can always edit the existing post.

11. Whenever parts/car/wheels are sold or pending sale

Whenever you’re items/car/wheels are sold edit you thread post so there’s clear for others and visible for the moderators to deleted the posts.


When shipping items always provide the tracking number U CAN USE UR PHONE TO SEND A PICTURE OF THE TRACKING NUMBER BEST OPTION LESS HEADACHES ALSO FOR NO MISTAKES U CAN SEND A PIC OF THE BOX TO THE BUYER TO CONFIRM ALL INFO IS CORRECT SO THERE IS NO MISTAKES AND ITEM SHIPPS WITH NO PROBLEMS OR DELAYS . Shipp purchased item asap withing 1 0r 2 days after payment whenever is possible. If you know you going to be out of town or have school exams don't make transactions.

Forum is an world wide based community please specify if you’re willing to ship whether local or overseas. By not willing to ship simple list pickup only or USA continental only.

Be gentle and avoid bad trading

Thanks Administrator
